Saturday, November 14, 2009

The goalposts keep moving!

The microprocessor has been with us for some time now, on my radar since 1974 with the release in April 1974 of the Intel 8080 which I first applied only a few months later. So I grew up and was 'educated' before the microprocessor. In those early days the choices were minimal, Motorola introduced the 6800 a little later in 1974. Despite protestations to the contrary that one or the other had some great technical or architectural merit it was really a matter of religion which path you followed. You could make a choice then being comfortable that it would hold good for a few years.

More recently the same religious fervour is evidenced by the proponents for the Freescale (formerly Motorola) 6800/6802/6809 ancestored chips versus Microchips PIC and Atmels much newer 'C' code optimised AVR and megaAVR. Each has its benefits, but logic defies any choice other than the one that I like!

But now the game has a completely new set of rules. ARM, of Cambridge UK, has turned the world upside recently with the introduction of the Cortex-M3 IP core. In a very carefully staged collaboration with Luminary (now part of TI) we saw the introduction of the Luminary Stellaris parts - the first M3's. Now everybody is on the band-wagon! Atmel (ATSAM3 is Cortex M3 based), TI through the acquisition of Luminary, NXP with the LPC17xx series, ST Microelectronics STM32, Toshiba and a new Norwegian startup - Energy Micro. All good viable companies, and don't count Energy Micro out, although only 2 years old they have some well experienced talent from Chipcon (now part of TI) and Atmel.

So now we don't get each manufacturer offering us a new architecture - we get them offering us different customisations and peripheral mixes all based on the same CPU core and interconnection fabric.

Oy vay!


Jack Rickard said...
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Jack Rickard said...

So whatever happened to the LEDuino?

Nobody seems to have done a CAN bus interface for Arduino yet.

Jack Rickard